Digital Shelf

The Digital Shelf is the collection of digital experiences and products that consumers use to find, discover, compare and buy products online either on your own channels or web page or on a retailers online page. 

The Digital Shelf encompasses the entire online shopping experience: from product research and discovery to payment and the services that can accompany payment. For brands, e-merchants, and retailers, monitoring, analyzing, and reacting to what's happening on the digital shelf is crucial to remaining competitive in the marketplace. 

On the Digital Shelf, brands must master these 4 key factors to optimize their sales in e-commerce: 

  • Availability: The first key factor to optimize sales on eCommerce is to ensure that the product is available. Out-of-stocks are more frequent in the online channel than in physical stores. Losing sales is the direct consequence of suffering out of stock, but it can also mean losing a consumer forever, if he decides for the competition in future purchases as well. 
  • Price: Price continues to be one of the main drivers in online purchase decisions. The ease with which the consumer compares prices during their research process and the constant recommendations of products influence the conversion. 
  • Product Content: Without being able to touch, smell or try the product, the information available on the eCommerce page is another key factor in ensuring sales. Brands should ensure that their product is offered with the correct title or name, images are up to date, and descriptions are optimized for both search engines and the end user. 
  • Search: Those products located in the first positions of the search results or within a category are the ones that get the most clicks and more sales. Each eCommerce sites has its own algorithm for ordering products, but the factors mentioned above affect most of them. 

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